Recently in WP3-Data collection and distribution Category

Wombat Deliverable D13/D3.3 Sensor Deployment

This deliverable reports the deployment of all types of sensors implemented in the WOMBAT project and includes descriptions of experiences with the sensors from several months of deployment and experimentation. The sensors that are deployed are the SGNET, HARMUR, Shelia, Paranoid Android, HoneySpider Network, Bluebat and NoAH. The early experiences show that the WOMBAT Project is fulfilling our preliminary expectations about having powerful tools for collecting data. These data are useful for categorizing attackers and malware behaviors. Moreover our experiments reveal that the sensors can cooperate with each other, enriching in this way the information offered for analysis.


Wombat Deliverable D06/D3.1 Infrastructure Design


This document contains a description of the wombat architecture and a high level design
of the new sensors. The wombat architecture is covered by a comprehensive review of
all its components. Part of this architecture is also the data sources and especially the
new ones that will be implemented as part of the wombat project. Each of them will
be described in the design level, focusing on the way that they will be integrated with
the wombat infrastructure


About this Archive

This page is a archive of recent entries in the WP3-Data collection and distribution category.

WP2-Analysis of State of the Art and Requirements is the previous category.

WP4-Data enrichment and characterization is the next category.

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February 2010: Monthly Archives