Institute for Infocomm Research: April 2011 Archives

The Wombat API (WAPI) is now available on sourceforge


WAPI, or WOMBAT API, is a SOAP-based API built in the context of the project to facilitate the remote access and exploration of security-related datasets.

The package contains all the essential code to start using the WAPI. The WAPI represents an attempt to tackle two main challenges for security data providers:

- Many of the data access primitives are not easily scriptable. Many data sources provide web-based interfaces that, while easily accessible by human operators, are not convenient for automated analysis.

- The interfaces for security datasets are very diverse in structure and methodology. The analyst who wants to take advantage of multiple data sources to perform correlations among them is thus forced to implement ad-hoc plugins and parsers for each data feed. This process is not necessarily a simple task, and requires the analyst to fully understand, for example, the schema of the SQL database provided by the data owner.

You can find the package on sourceforge :

More information and details on WAPI are available in the deliverable D10/D6.3.

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May 2011: Monthly Archives